1. Two Monks (1934) directed by Juan Bustillo Oro • Reviews, film + cast
In a Gothic-styled monastery, a monk named Javier sees the face of another monk, Juan, and suddenly attempts to bludgeon him to death with a heavy crucifix.
In a Gothic-styled monastery, a monk named Javier sees the face of another monk, Juan, and suddenly attempts to bludgeon him to death with a heavy crucifix. Both men then relate their own versions of a story of romantic rivalry between them.

2. Two Monks / Dos Monjes, Mexico 1934. - Talking Pictures
Aug 21, 2017 · The film opens in a monastery where Brother Javier(Carlos Villatoro) appears to be in the process of some sort of mental breakdown.
This was part of a programme at Il Cinema Ritrovato 2017 presenting ‘Revolution and Adventure: Mexican Cinema in the Golden Age. The programmers Daniela Michel and Chloë Roddick explained in …

3. Dos Monjes (Two Monks) 1934 Gothic Mexi-Horror - 5th Dimension Films
This vividly stylized gothic horror melodrama hinges on an audacious, ahead-of-its-time flashback structure from 1934 we have Two Monks (Dos Monjes).
Made in the early days of Mexican sound cinema, this vividly stylized gothic horror melodrama hinges on an audacious, ahead-of-its-time flashback structure from 1934 we have "Two Monks" (Dos Monjes). When the ailing monk Javier recognizes a brother newly arrived at his cloister, he inexplicably becomes deranged and attacks him. What causes his madness? Director Juan Bustillo Oro recounts the two men’s shared past—a tragic rivalry over the love of a woman—twice, once from the point of view of each, heightening the contrasts between their accounts with visual flourishes drawn from the language of German expressionism. With its gothic sets, elaborate lighting, and daring camera work by avant-garde photographer Agustín Jiménez, Dos monjes is a broodingly intense outlier in early Mexican cinema, plumbing the depths of psychological torment and existential mystery with experimental horror verve. We have a return performance by Carlos Villatoro, who was in another horror film also, from 1934 "El Fantasma Del Convento" (The Phantom of The Convent) another creepy film also about monastery monks. This is a pioneer film in one of Mexico's early horror genre. This is the Uncut Spanish Version with English Subtitles, starring Carlos Villatoro and Emma Roldan. 1934 B&W 85 Minutes on DVD-R.

4. Dos Monjes - Braineater.com!
In El Fantasma del Convento (1934), three travelers on the verge of a crisis spend the night in a brooding, atmospheric monastery somewhere on the border ...
El Fantasma... was directed by Fernando de Fuentes, one of the most important directors in the Golden Age of Mexican cinema. de Fuentes was assistant director of Mexico's first all-sound picture, Santa (1932). In the next few years went on to make some of the most significant Mexican movies, including El Prisionero 13 ("Prisoner 13", 1933), El Compadre Mendoza ("Mendoza, the Godfather", 1934) and ¡Vámonos con Pancho Villa! ("Let's Go with Pancho Villa", 1936) — three films known as the "Mexican Revolution Trilogy", which provided a surprisingly nuanced view of the struggle that had only taken place a few years before. ¡Vámonos con Pancho Villa! is now considered by many Mexican critics to be the greatest and most significant Mexican film, but at the time of its release, it was not well received — probably because of its refusal to romanticize the Revolution or its leaders 1
5. Dos Monjes - TCM
Still image from the 1934 film Dos Monjes. Dos Monjes. 1934 Drama TV-PG.
Watch TCM is the convenient way to watch great classic films when you want, where you want uncut, commercial free... and it's absolutely free.

6. Two Monks | Rotten Tomatoes
It opens, and closes, in a Mexican monastery, a startling example of gothic Expressionism right out of the FW Murnau or Robert Wiene playbook.
Two monks recall the start of their rivalry.

7. Des Monjes/Two Monks (1934) - Mark David Welsh
Sep 7, 2021 · The monks at a remote monastery carry out a ritual to banish evil after it seems that one of their order has become possessed by Satan.
‘May the Devil get out from the house of the Lord.’ The monks at a remote monastery carry out a ritual to banish evil after it seems that one of their order has become possessed by Sata…

8. Shades of Noirvember: Two Monks (Juan Bustillo Oro, 1934) - Popflick
Shades of Noirvember: Two Monks (Juan Bustillo Oro, 1934). By Juan Carlos Ampié11/02/2022. 0qwIwOYywtzdhqasbwhexylhKAH7lS_original.
Shades of Noirvember: Two Monks (Juan Bustillo Oro, 1934)

9. [PDF] TWO MONKS / Dos Monjes (1934)
In the same genre as the work explored by the German Expressionist filmmakers, F. W.. Murnau and Fritz Lang, Juan Bustillo Oro uses dramatic techniques to tell ...